A lot of people put up AdSense site templates, and after a month or two they realised that their sites were nailed by Google!
Of course this will happen unless you do the following...
I ask you a question$%: Why do people buy ready-made AdSense site templates$%: What a stupid question right$%: People want to churn out AdSense sites fast with AdSense site templates. If you are one of them, you have a problem when you use those junk AdSense site templates!
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AdSense site template is only junk if the html code is full of errors and those errors are then amplified by the number of people using them across the globe. You have become part of the problem, because you try to feed Google bots with so called "unhealthy food". Obviously Google is not going to be happy. What makes matter worse is that you are using rehashed content all over!
Thus three things you must know when you buy AdSense site templates.
1) W3C Validated Templates
Your AdSense site template must be validated by W3C. W3C is the World Wide Web Consortium who develops interoperable technologies (specifications, guidelines, software, and tools) in order to lead the Web to its full potential. They check if your template is free of html errors. When you templates are 100% clean, meaning the Google bots will spider you quicker, deeper and wider. You are then considered validated!
2) Header Graphics
When people talk about beautiful AdSense site template and headers, they actually mean the visual appeal of the site that will get your visitors glued to your site and stay a little longer in order to click on your ads! If at the first instant itself they find the site visually unappealing, they might just hit the "back" button right away. And you lose money! The situation gets only worse if you do not even have good quality content on your site! Remember, the visitors have a very short attention time span. And you've got to grab a visitor's attention before he/she gets disinterested if you want to convert that visitor to a client. So, beautiful AdSense site templates are NOT for the spiders! Instead, the html codes of the AdSense site templates are for the spiders. It's as simple as that!
By understanding this, you have to test with different header graphics or even without header graphics because different niche reacts to header graphics differently.
3) Layout of the AdSense site templates.
When you buy AdSense site template, you have to be presented with different structure of layout. The position of the ads have to be different too. By having such variation, you will be able to use any of the AdSense site template by just swamping the header graphics.
I have told you the three most important factors that can make or break your AdSense earning. Take note of this and be successful with your AdSense site template.