Since people generally ask me the same questions about list building all the time, I thought maybe you'd like know...

Q: When I am buying domain names, is buying ".com" all I need to buy$%:

Tellman: Personally, I very rarely buy .net, .biz, etc.. I normally only buy .coms. The reason is because I come up with all sorts of other ideas as time goes on. If you have an unlimited budget, buy all of them. You can redirect the other ones to your main .com, just in case someone types in .org or .net. But that does not happen too often. Most of the time, if someone is just typing a domain in, they are going to type it in as .com first, if they're just trying to hit on something. Stick to .com and you'll get more hits.

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Q: I am one of those people with a million ideas, and I have a lot of domain names already that I bought when I got the idea. How do I decide which is the right one for list building$%:

Tellman: Here is what I would like you to do: Pick one, not because it is the best. If you have kids that have ever been on a sports team, you know that they sometimes screw up in practice. Be a kid! I want you to go out and screw up. Remember, when you're talking about online business, it is completely fluid, it's like water or air. You can change it instantaneously. Even if you completely screw it up, it doesn't matter, because you can change it.

Just start , and don't worry about whether it is right or wrong. Just do it for fun. It will cost you a little bit, but you will get a massive amount of knowledge. You will be a million times ahead of everyone else out there, just like you, who has been sitting around with way too many ideas in their head and no list. Once you get your own list building, you can do anything, but until you start to take the first steps toward list building, you will remain paralyzed.

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Q: There are different types of autoresponders, as far as features and functions go. Is one better than the other to service a list$%:

Tellman: You will hear conflicting information from different people. I have four or five different autoresponders I use that I have tested and tried for different things. What I am giving you with My First List is a complete system that will all integrate together easily, so you don't have to think about it when you are starting your first list building system.

That doesn't mean it is the best for everything. But what it does mean is it's the best to get started right now, today. The reason I am telling you to go to is because, if at some point, there is a better autoresponder to get started, I am going to change that redirect to something else. I will change it to something else that is more appropriate for someone list building for the first time. Right now, the easiest, quickest way for you to get started is to get what you see at Don't think about the rest of the other stuff until you have your first list growing. Go and do it now, don't wait another moment!

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Q: If you have a product or a service, where do you get the information to plug into the autoresponder to send out to your list$%: Are there any tools that will help you do that$%:

Tellman: To answer your question, you go to the company that provides the product and you ask them for stock emails. The other thing is that in My First List, I teach you some methods I use to come up with ideas for emails to put into the autoresponder. Right now, you don't need to think about that. For now, all you need to do is worry about getting the autoresponder set up so it is functional. Lay the foundation first. Then, start list building. That's all you have to do.

The biggest concept here is that you need to start list building. Don't let anything stop you. You will make mistakes, and through them, you will learn. Just start list building, and only concentrate on sending traffic to your list building squeeze page. Until you have done that, until you have built a massive list, don't do anything else.

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